Created by Grendel Man for DS Customization of the Creatures games has been a huge focus over the last few months. Although many creations have been geared more towards solid ground, the aquatic realm certainly has not been forgotten! With this new download, the C3 gumin grass and sponges have been greatly improved to be used with Amaikokonut's Garden Box! Included with this excellent download for Docking Station are the following: Garden Box Gumin Grass Agent
Garden Box Sponges Agent (Opal and Orange)
Gumin Grass Readme
Sponges Readme Download Aquatic Garden Box Agents (24 KB RAR File)
From Grendel Man: "These agents will add the gumin grass, opal sponge, and orange sponge from the C3 Aquatic Terrarium to the Garden Box created by Amaikokonut. If you do not have the Garden Box, then these agents will be rather useless to you. They should act similar to their C3 counterparts, with some of the following updates (more information in the Readme files):
- The plants and sponges can be pushed and pulled by Creatures, and the seeds/spores are edible.
- The orange sponges live only half as long as the opal sponges, but are more populous.
- If the sponges are outnumbered by Creatures, they will release special spores that grow immediately.
- If a mature gumin grass plant is all by itself, it will produce small sproutlings that can be picked up.
- The seeds will go dormant if they're outnumbered by Creatures, shrinking and becoming invisible."
Yay, it's always great to have new items to add to the garden box!
Great addition! Love the tweaks too, makes them useful to creatures and should help the sponges and plant to stay alive.
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