CCSF 2012 Day 12: Shee Design Contest Poll

A mystery that has always surrounded the Creatures series is the exact appearance of the Shee! One CCSF 2012 activity centered around this question. Have a look at the three entries, and vote for the one who you believe should be declared the winner! Excellent work by those who took the time to enter this contest! It's certainly wonderful to see how fans interpret the Shee, which is a species always up for new designs.

Who should win the Shee Design Contest?

Nirax's Entry

Sam999's Entry

Ylukyun's Entry

Normal Shee nowadays make up the majority of Shee, spanning a variety of social classes and professions. Those of the upper class by birth or who have done well for themselves typically associate with the ruler Shee and sometimes marry into the ruling class but there is an undercurrent of both resentment and contempt towards them. They have a somewhat humanoid anatomy and physiology, standing average 6'0" for males and 6'2" for females who have longer limbs. They have a slender build with a little muscle and fat, strong bones and long fingers. Skin tones range in color from dark blues, greens and purples to pale gray or white. Hair is usually blue or yellow and lightens with age. Highly intelligent and very eccentric by human standards, Shee are stereotyped as being socially awkward, but this applies only to a minority, most of whom are scientists and inventors. Attitudes towards Norns and Ettins vary, with Grendels being seen as beasts.

Ruler Shee are essentially the same as the Normal Shee but are noticeably different in both appearance and personality, the former being due to millennia of inbreeding for coveted "beauty" traits - as a result of this, they stand on average 6'6", with extremely elongated head and neck, slender to the point of being frail (something they cover up by having extremely large robes) and pale skin. Due to this inbreeding many are prone to genetic disorders and they tend to have almost hollow, very weak bones. Conceited, narcissistic and nepotistic, the statues around Albia are created in the distorted "image" of various Ruler Shee and their mythological "ancestors". Most are idle or concerned with the problems they have created for themselves, though when a Ruler Shee decides to become a scientist, misery ensues for all involved. Norns and Ettins are both viewed by these Shee as different kinds of slaves, little more thought is given. Many keep Grendels as pets, but often kill them if they become difficult.

"Drone" Shee are a subspecies of Shee that evolved in Albia's deepest caverns. They have extremely large eyes with widely dilating pupils and striking purple irises. Completely hairless, stocky, and muscular, standing around 5'6" for both males and females. When other Shee began to explore deeper underground, they captured the Drones. Those that did not die of surface diseases became slaves and this continued for centuries. During this period any fraternizing with these Drones by other Shee was forbidden but nonetheless some interbreeding occurred especially by the lower classes who often mingled with slaves. Drone Shee on average are less intelligent and more docile than other Shee, as these traits were selected for slave breeding. The first Ettins were created with modified Drone Shee DNA - they are the children of Drones. After this most Drones were wiped out, considered to be unnecessary. Some (mostly half-castes) survived the targeted biological weapons and decades later their descendants gained full civil rights as well as reparations. However they are widely despised and scapegoated. Interbreeding is quietly frowned upon, and does not typically occur except among the very lowest classes. Drone Shee typically work in low skill, hazardous jobs that require more care and attention than an Ettin could (or would) provide. Drone Shee get along very well with Norns and often keep them as pets. The Norns don't mind the lower living standard as they are treated with more respect. They regard Ettins with great suspicion as well as disgust, and vice versa. Some have an affinity for Grendels.


SpringRain said...

All these submissions are great. I like seeing how each person has a different idea of what Shee would look like.

Nirax's almost reminds of something out of the Star Wars films. Sorry about that...I do mean it as a compliment. ^_^;

Mellisa Fan said...

I love Nirax's! It actually looks like what I'd picture the Shee to be like..Not like BigBen's idea of the Shee being human..bah!

Nirax said...

Each is unique in their own way, but I find it really interesting how much in common they have.

Sam999, love the bit "lax" look here. I think it goes along well with the official text about the shee, that they're intelligent but is being so in a quite absurd way. Smart choice on the clothing color too, orange being the contrast color to blue. I can image one of these being on friendly as well as stern... Still there's some intimidating features going on with the long, clawed fingers and toes along with the spiked "crown".

Ylukyun, your ideas are really cool. That they'd be so into genetic that they'd perform it on their own with little ethical consideration (by human standards at least) is pretty sinister. It also goes great with the banshee story! The concept of the "ruler" is especially interesting to me, a quite eerie concept about beauty taken to its extremes.

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